art deco


art deco champagne glasses Regina,

designed in 1923 by Gerard Muller


a set of 18 crystal, art deco, flutes / champagne glasses of the service

Regina, designed in 1923, by: Gerard Muller (Dutch, 1877-1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau

for Glashuis Muller, Rokin, Amsterdam

heights circa 25,5 cm., only selling as set, price on request


art deco bronze by A. Muller

cire perdue made


a very touching story is told by this

art deco, cire perdue, bronze statue of a female figure holding a child

she is turning her head, for not wanting to show her grief to the child, the child, perhaps for just a short while still fitting on her lap, is reaching around her head to comfort her, .... did her husband, the father die..., was it during the Great War... will there be an other war within 10-20 years... will the child then be sent as a soldier... it tells a story... maybe your story... maybe a story of today...

Overall beautiful detail; her hair, the edges of her dress, their toes and nails,

signed in the bronze for the artist: A. Muller, French, born in 1882,

casted cire perdue and stamped by: Susse Freres, fondeur Paris

messurements circa 48,5 x, 30 x 20 cm, weight circa 14kg.

price on request


art deco statue by A. Muller,

foundry Susse Freres, Paris

a large, carved stone statue of this group can be found on Place Dulcie September in the 10th Arr., former Ville de Garges - Lutece, Les Gonesse, Paris,

that statue is not signed, nor dated and probably wrongly attributed to George Vacossin, strangly titled Maternite / Maternity and dated as circa 1931,

perhaps a local historian can spread some light on the origine, occassion and date











art deco bronze by Joe Descomps Cormier


art deco, silvered bronze statue of a nude female figure holding a cloth with her hands, sitting on a plinth, on an ebonised oak wood stand, signed with:

J D Cormier

for Joseph Jules Emmanuel Descomps / Joe Descomps Cormier, France 1869-1950

executed circa 1925, by: F. Barbedienne, fondeur Paris

messurements including the wooden base, circa 41 x 17 x 13 cm

price on request



art deco statue by Joseph Descomps Cormier











A.D. Copier, Leerdam

servies Romanda - champagne glas - flute


Dutch art deco, flutes / champagne glasses, designed in 1923 - 1924,

by A.D. Copier

for the glass service Romanda, executed at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

height: 22,5 cm, both marked with etched CL for Copier Leerdam

2 available

art deco wax seal / lakstempel


an art deco, bronze wax seal with holder

- sceau, signet, Petschaft, lakstempel, zegelstempel -

depicting a stylised

Ibex, a male wild mountain goat

with on the matrix the initials A.R.

possibly designed by: Adrianus Remiens (Dutch, 1890-1972)

height: 12 cm / 4.7 inch

price: € xxxx - sold


a bronze Ibex as wax seal


art deco, annagroene drijfschaal op paarse voet,

door Chris Lebeau,

1925-1930 Glasfabriek Leerdam


a Dutch art deco glass centerpiece / vase / bowl,

designed in 1924 or 1925, by:

Chris Lebeau

J.J.C. / Joris Johannes Christiaan Lebeau, Amsterdam 1878-1945 Dachau

diameter of the bowl: 32,3 cm - height including the base: 18,1 cm

weight circa 2916 gr, slight staining towards the bottom, no chips, no restorations,

the Lebeau Leerdam etched mark on the bottom of the bowl

price on request


opaque deep purple pressed-glass base

of stepped form

a glass bowl, in Dutch called Drijfschaal, for floating flowers on a stand, designed in 1924-1925 by:

Chris Lebeau

executed between 1925-1930 at NV Glasfabriek Leerdam, Netherlands. The vases were no longer produced after 1930.

Joris Johannes Christiaan Lebeau, was born in 1878 in Amsterdam, his anti-Nazi activities during the German occupation of Holland led to his arrest in 1943 and he died in the concentration camp of Dachau in 1945

Lebeau's first series for Leerdam was designed in 1924, put into production in 1925 and shown at the Paris Exhibition of that year, where the Musée des Arts Décoratifs acquired a large trumpet-shaped vase with separate base, also in green and purple (the vase is unpublished, but for an illustration of the same model, see A. van der Kley-Blekxtoon, 'Leerdam Glas1878-1930', Lochem 1984, 68, pl. 73, centre vase in group). Lebeau's vases continued to be shown at exhibitions in Holland and abroad, for example in New York, at the International Exhibition of Contemporary Glass and Rugs, held by the American Federation of Arts in 1929-30. Lebeau found Leerdam's existing vase shapes too uniform; he therefore designed unusual shapes for specific flowers and plants, as well as double-sided vases that were usable either way up. His bizarre shapes were not always well received at the time: Karel Wasch in his book 'Glas en Kristal' (Rotterdam 1927) compared them to laboratory glass. Yet they were highly original and quite unlike anything else produced at the time in Holland, or indeed elsewhere. Those that were put into production are illustrated in the Leerdam trade catalogue of 1927 (see van der Kley-Blekxtoon 1984, pls 73-9, reproductions of the 1927 illustrations, and pl. 80). The Leerdam colour range at the time included the popular bright yellow-green known as 'annagroen', bright orange-red, purple, amber and blue. The mould-blown bowls were made in pear-wood moulds, the pressed bases in iron moulds. A number of Lebeau's original water-colour sketches survive (see M. de Bois, 'Chris Lebeau - ontwerper 1878-1945', exhibition catalogue, Drents Museum, Assen and Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem, 1987, 171- 7), including designs for items that were never produced. The pieces were executed from working drawings made by the factory's design department. For further discussions of manufacturing techniques see de Bois, 174-5. Unlike Copier, de Lorm and the other designers, Lebeau's tableware designs were limited to a single water glass and water carafe, finger bowl and fruit bowl; being teetotal, he designed no wine glasses. Following conflict with Copier and Cochius, Lebeau left Leerdam in 1926 for the factory of Ludwig Moser in Winterberg, Bohemia

Leerdam glas, art deco masker, ontwerp:

C.C. van Asch van Wijck

art deco glass Mask designed in 1929

by C.C. van Asch van Wijck

glazen art deco sculptuur door C.C. van Asch van Wijck,

Leerdam persglas

glazen Masker / glass Mask, designed in 1929 for Glasfabriek Leerdam Holland

by: C. C. van Asch van Wijck (1900-1932)

Jonkvrouwe Cornélie Caroline Volcker van Soelen van Asch van Wijck,

the handmade wooden stands are available on commission, available with or without light

the glass mask was executed at Glasfabriek Leerdam, Netherlands, and in 1930 rewarded with a gold medal at the international exhibition Wereldtentoonstelling voor Koloniën Zeevaart en Vlaamsche Kunst

the prices of object and/or stands on request

Amsterdamse School, art deco lamp

gebrandschilderd, gebogen glas

met gehamerd en gesmeed armatuur


a stained / enamelled and leaded glass,

Dutch art deco, known as:

Amsterdamse School, piano lamp


Dutch art deco, Amsterdam School, lamp

stained / enamelled and leaded glass,

piano lamp


an authentic stained / enameled and leaded glass piano lamp, of

Dutch art deco design, known as Amsterdamse School,

with hammered copper stand, with authentic dark patina,

the shade is made of 4 milk glass panels, the 2 larger glass panels are curved, all 4 are stained with an abstract,

typical and pure Amsterdam School pattern, in red, blue, purple grey and black,

length circa 36 cm - height circa 28 cm

price on request

The Thought by W.C. Brouwer


a Dutch art deco sculpture,

designed in the style known as the Amsterdam School,

designed circa 1925, titled:

Het Denken / The Thought


W.C. Brouwer

Willem Coenraad Brouwer - Dutch, 1877-1933

unmarked, but authorized and documented, see collection of Museum Kroller Muller

32 x 24 x 14,5 cm / 12.6 x 9.4 x 5.7 inch - weight: 14 kg

price : € xxxx - sold

on both sides the text: Het Denken, translated as: the thinking - meant as an architectural building ornament, but this piece can be placed as a sculpture or used as bookend, the material is suitable to be placed outdoors - condition: looks good, but has chips to the lower edges, they are not disturbing for the eye, and might have been caused during removal from it's original place

Het Denken by W.C. Brouwer

a Dutch art deco, The Hague School, lamp


leaded glass, wooden frame and top light

only 2 are known - price on request

Haagse School, art deco lamp

art deco Christofle, De Ribes squirrel bowl


an art deco silver plated bowl / dish known as the

Christofle, De Ribes, squirrel bowl

or vide-poche ecureuil

executed by Maison Christofle, France

designed in 1931 by Antoinette de Ribes (1892-1972)

length: circa 11 cm / ca. 4.3 inch

height: circa 10 cm / ca. 3.9 inch

price: € xxx - sold



art deco vide poche ecureil Christofle, De Ribes

art deco glass bowl Myra WMF


an art deco crystal bowl, with a leaf-like formed relief to the lower part, made of blue/green and gold coloured, iridescent art glass / lustre ware, known as:

WMF Myra

by: WMF - Württembergischen Metallwarenfabrik in Geislingen / Steige, Germany,

this bowl is probably WMF model number J292, from 1936,

on the downside an old tag with: WMF - Orfevrerie D'Art - S.A. Belge 83, Marche-Aux-Herbes, Bruxelles, Tel. 11.84.48

diameter: circa 25,5 cm / ca. 10 inch

height: circa 10 cm / ca. 3.9 inch

condition: very good,

Myra Crystal Glass was developed circa 1925 by Karl Wiedman for WMF and was technical very complicated to make, the wish of WMF was to create glass very similar to the iridescent golden Tiffany glass ware


art deco glass bowl WMF Myra


Fré Cohen and Albert Hahn Jr.

a rare collection of 7 art deco and Amsterdam Shool bookbindings

cover designs by: Fré Cohen and Albert Hahn Jr.

for the Dutch political party SDAP and the labour union NVV

Arbeiders Jaarboekje 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1931

all sold

displayed on the Summer 2016 exhibition

Wonen in de Amsterdamse School at the Stedelijke Museum Amsterdam

- see our BOOKS page for more art nouveau and art deco designed book covers -


art deco stenen beeld van een meisje, door

Theo van Reijn

hoofd van een meisje / a girls head

by Theodor van Reijn

art deco carved stone statue, by

Theo van Reijn

gebeeldhouwd natuurstenen hoofd van een meisje, door Theo / Theodor van Reijn (1884-1954)

provenance: nalatenschap van de familie van de kunstenaar, mogelijk voorstellende zijn jong gestorven dochter

Carolina Jacomina van Reijn (1933-1940)

daterend jaren 30 van de twintigste eeuw (zie kapsel), hoogte circa 28cm, gewicht circa 8kg, prijs op aanvraag

bronze, art deco crucifix by Pieter Biesiot, circa 1930


een art deco bronzen crucifix, circa 1930, door:

Pieter Biesiot, Den Haag 1890-1980

provenance: kapel in het woonhuis van

architect Henri J.W. Thunnissen (1890-1978)

Thunissen was de architect van Peek & Cloppenburg in Den Haag, Biesiot ontwierp the beelden boven de hoofdingang

gesigneerd op de achterzijde in het hout: P. Biesiot

afmeting: 36 x 30 cm, ca. 1505gr,

prijs € xxx - sold -


bronze, art deco crucifix by Pieter Biesiot, circa 1930

art deco beeldje Meisje met Konijn

1936, door Joop van Lunteren

Conradbrug, Laan van Meerdervooort, Den Haag, 1937

J.P.H. van Lunteren

art deco statuette Girl with Rabbit

by: J. Van Lunteren (Dutch 1882-1958)

- Meisje met Konijn -

roodbakkende klei, circa 1936, door: Joop van Lunteren (1882-1958) J.P.H. / Johannes Petrus Hendricus van Lunteren.

gesigneerd met monogram JvL aan de zijkant van de sokkel - conditie: een oude breuk door de basis, provenance: de nalatenschap van de kunstenaar

dit beeldje is het ontwerpmodel / kleimodel voor een in 1937 uitgevoerd gehakt beeld aan zijkant van de Conradbrug in Den Haag, Laan van Meerdervoort hoek Conradkade (in situ, middelste foto), in de uiteindelijke uitvoering zijn duidelijke aanpassingen zichtbaar: het beestje in haar handen is vervangen door het konijn dat oorspronkelijk bij haar linkervoet zat, haar gezicht is meer uitgewerkt en de haren zijn korter en krullender geworden.

afmeting: 22,5 x 10,5 cm, prijs €460,-

tekening in rood krijt / sanguine, door

Eduard Houbolt (1885-1954)

een getekend portret, in rood krijt / sanguine, van de Nederlandse beeldhouwer / houtsnijder J.P.H. / Joop van Lunteren (1882-1958) op 29 jarige leeftijd,

door: Eduard Houbolt, Eduard Johannes Fredericus Houbolt (1885-1954)

tekst op de tekening: Aetatis Suae XXIX (op de leeftijd van 29)

gesigneerd en gedateerd: Eduard Houbolt, Fec. Nov. 1911

provenance: nalatenschap Joop van Lunteren.

afmeting: 31 x 24 cm, prijs 240,-



de beeldhouwer Joop van Lunteren, staand bij zijn beeld Handel voor het Postkantoor Rotterdam

statue of a sitting nude, by

Joop van Lunteren (Dutch, 1882-1958)

een beeldje van rood bakkende klei, van een zittend naakt, door:

Joop van Lunteren (1882-1958)

J.P.H. / Johannes Petrus Hendricus van Lunteren.

gesigneerd met monogram aan de voorzijde: JVL, geen datering

conditie: goed, geen breuken, geen restauratie, wat verlies aan de plint,

provenance: de nalatenschap van de kunstenaar

afmeting: 16 x 15cm, prijs €xxx - sold


statue of a sitting nude, by

Joop van Lunteren (Dutch, 1882-1958)


6 art deco, uranium crystal, white wine glasses,

designed in 1926, by A.D.Copier for Glasfabriek Leerdam, The Netherlands

service: N.M. for Nieuw Model, Annagroen Rijnwijn glas

height: 13,6 cm / 5.3 inch


4 art deco crystal glasses, designed in 1922 by

Andries Dirk Copier (Dutch, 1901-1991) for Glasfabriek Leerdam, The Netherlands

service: Smeerwortel,

perfect condition, marked CL, price 4 together: € 90,-


a patinated ceramic sculpture by:

Johan Limpers (Dutch, 1915-1944)

provenance: Katinka van Rood and Mrs. J. Erens



a golden-brown patinated, ceramic sculpture

of a reclining nude female, circa 1940 by

Johan Limpers (Dutch, 1915-1944)

width: 25 cm., price: € 590,-

Limpers was an art student at the Rijksakademie Amsterdam. His work followed the ideas of Jan Bronner and was monumental, for this he won the Dutch Prix de Rome in 1940. During the Second World War he was active in the resistance and took part in setting fire to the Amsterdam registration office in 1943. He was executed by a German firing squad at Overveen on June 10th, 1944. After the war he was reburied at the Erebegraafplaats Bloemendaal in Overveen. He was married with fellow member of the resistance and sculptor Katinka / Catharina Elisabeth van Rood (1913-2000)

provenance: the estate of Katinka van Rood, Van Stockum auctions The Hague and the private collection of the late Mrs. J. Erens.


een goud-bruin gepatineerd, keramiek beeld van

een half-zittend vrouw,

door Johan Limpers




6 art deco crystal uranium white wine glasses,

designed in 1918 by K.P.C de Bazel for Glasfabriek Leerdam,

service: H or Hygpa, Annagroen Rijnwijnglas, 1 with small chip to the rim

height: 15cm / 5.9 inch



crystal, flat drop decanter,

service / servies Boccale

designed in 1951 by A.D. Copier, Leerdam

mint condition, height 32,5cm., price: €440,-


Dutch art deco, uranium crystal glass decanter and glasses,

Service Marianne, Annagroen glas, designed in 1930 by

A.D. Copier, executed at Glasfabriek Leerdam




large and elegant crystal glasses, the so called Zephyr, a champagne glass or flute

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie / Crystal Maastricht, Holland

fully handmade: blown on the pipe, hand cut and polished

faceted cut stem and cuppa, multiple diamond cut in between

height: 20,5 cm - 7 available - all sold

see more below for more models of the service


Dutch art deco white wine glasses, urnamium glass

Romanda, Annagroen, Rijnwijn glas, by A.D. Copier,

a magnificent amount of 24 available


kristallen glazen Gerard Muller - Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam


a set of 12 very large, crystal, Dutch art deco Bourgogne / red wine glasses

titled Cyrano, designed circa 1917, by: Gerard Muller (Dutch, 1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: circa 13,5 cm., diameter at the top: 12,5 cm.

Gerard Muller: "Un verre ou on peut se trempez le nez"

only selling 12 together, condition: 11 excellent, 1 with a fleebit,

price on request

please scroll down for more types of Gerard Muller glass



French art deco glass vase,

by Verrerie d'art Degue, Paris - David Gueron,

circa 1930, height: 12,3cm / 4.8 inch, signed

price: xx - sold


art deco set of small glass dishes, color: Meerblauw

designed circa 1930,

by A.D. Copier, for Glasfriek Leerdam, width: 34 cm

the grey tray might be a replacement


art deco glass set of small disches and a tray

color: Annagroen, uranium glas, designed in 1937,

by W.J. Rozendaal, for Kristalunie Maastricht


a carved, elongated, mahogany wooden statue,

authentic art deco style and period, made circa 1930-1940,

on Bali, Indonesia

a rare - unusual representation,

depicting a standing woman in a reverent pose,

carrying on her head a offering tray, piled up with offerings,

she is carrying something under her sarong, supporting it with both her hands,

does this represents a pregnant woman ?

height: 53 cm, price on request







for the Delta 98 Den Haag collection

of issues of the famous Dutch art journal


(The Netherlands, 1918-1932)

please see our BOOKS page for circa 75 different issues available





Gerard Muller decanter / karaf


very rare, iridescent crystal, art deco, decanters

the design attributed to

Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

the stopper is as the knop of glasses of the service Regina, but because of the iridescent surface they might be executed on request at Glasfabriek Leerdam, the former owners used the decanters with iridescent water glasses designed by De Lorm

height circa 28cm

- please correct us if we are wrong -


Gerard Muller glass Regina

Alexandre Kéléty


an art deco, bronze sculpture of two pelicans

extremely well sculptured and casted

signed in the bronze: AKelety, for

Alexandre Kéléty

born in Budapest, Hungaria- died in 1940 Paris, France

works known between 1918 -1940

no founders mark, and therefore we believe it is a piece unique

height: 17 cm, width: 19 cm.

price: € 2900,-

Alexander Kelety - Alexandre Kéléty - Alex Kelety


2x a Dutch art deco, synagogue wall lamp






decorated with the Star of David - Magen Dawid



a set of 4 Dutch art deco, Amsterdam School ornaments - panelling sculptures, executed in metallized concrete

4x een beeld van gemetalliseerd beton, met resten van groen/blauwe kleur

designed in 1917 by: Cris Agterberg (1883-1948)

for a gardenhouse on the first Dutch 1917 anual trade exibition / tuinhuis op Eerste Nederlandse Jaarbeurs: 1917 Jaarbeurs Utrecht

in 1917 at Utrecht, The Netherlands, architect of the gardenhouse was Jan Gratama (1877-1947) commissioned by Firma N.V. Nederlandsche Betonijzerbouw Amsterdam

literature: Cris Agterberg, Beeldhouwer en Sierkunstenaar - authors Marcel Brouwer and Joep Haffmans - publication 2001 by Optima Vianen, pages 19-22 - with gratefull thanks to Mr. Rob Driessen, who mentioned the description to us in that book

heights circa 11cm., price on request

Jaarbeurs 1917 - the garden house / tuinhuis - the archtitect Jan Gratama - het interieur / the interior by Cris Agterberg

Cris Agterberg

gemetalliseerd beton


Cris Agterberg

metallized concrete


Cris Agterberg

gekleurd beton


Cris Agterberg

enamelled concrete



Cris Agterberg

this ornament is depicting the architect of the gardenhouse: Jan Gratama, with the text: Jan Gratama's laatste balletjes (last balls)


Cris Agterberg

this ornament is depicting a little mean monster, with the text: De Criticus (the critic)

Cris Agterberg

this ornament is depicting a lady with a rosary, with the text: De Rozenkrans (the rosary)

Cris Agterberg

this ornament depicts a stylised, charming elephant, sitting on his bottom, holding his trunk shut, the text has probaly been worn off


NV Fabriek van Brouwer's Aardewerk




C.W. / Coen Brouwer



a large, Dutch art deco, ceramic vase - made in 1943 and attributed to

N.V. Fabriek van Brouwer's Aardewerk & Coen Brouwer

Coen Brouwer was also called: Coenraad, Conraad Willem or C.W. Brouwer (1908 Zoeterwoude - 1991 Heerenveen)

the vase was to commemorate 50 years of the A.N.O.H.M, an insurance company for hail damage to crops.

A.N.O.H.M - Algemeene Nederlandsche Onderlinge Hagelverzekering Maatschappij, opgericht Dordrecht - gevestigd 's Gravenhage, 1893 - 1943

decorated with agricultural crops, the Grote Kerk / Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe Kerk - church in Dordrecht, the Ridderzaal - the Hall of Knights in The Hague

and the coat of arms of The Netherlands with the text "Je maintiendrai"

height: 49 cm, weight: 13,5 kg - sold



Jan Eisenloeffel



a dutch art deco, Amsterdam School, enamelled broche, circa 1920,

designed by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957), executed and signed by: Homme de Vries,

diameter: 5,4 cm., price on request


Jan Eisenloeffel



an other dutch art deco, Amsterdam School, enamelled broche, circa 1920,

designed by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957), executed and signed by: Homme de Vries,

condition: a small hole added, probably to use it as a pendant, some green oxidation spots

diameter: 5,8 cm., price on request




Kees de Kruijff


a small terracotta sculpture of a young girl, titled:


made by: Kees de Kruijff (Dutch, 1905-1978)

height: 10cm, price: € 390,-


A.D. Copier


A.D. Copier - sold -

A.D. Copier


glass objects designed by: A.D. Copier (1901-1991), executed at: Glasfabriek Leerdam

left: a large dish of clear glass with fine metallic crackle on a applied stand, so called: Seriegoed, design circa 1930, diameter: 37,5 cm, price: € 190,- condition: very good, no chips, no restoration, clear glass, some slight scratches

middle: an amber crystal glass vase, serie Flora, design 1938, height: 19,5 cm, price: € xxx - sold, condition: good, no chips, no restoration, some very slight staining and scratches - documented in: Leerdam Glas 1878-2003, A.v.d.Kley-Blekxtoon, 4th print; page 92, pic.103

right: a dish with large metallic crackle, shaped with uprised rim and convex base, marked with CL, a so called: Serica Leerdam, design circa 1930, diameter: 32,7 cm, price: € 160,- condition: very good, no damages, clear glass - documented in: Modern Glas in Nederland 1880-1940, by Titus Eliens, page 146, pic.95


Stef Uiterwaal



dutch, art deco, glass sculpture of

Madonna with child

designed circa 1928, by:

Stephanus Albertus / Stef Uiterwaal (1889-1960)

marked and executed at: Glasfabriek Leerdam, The Netherlands

available heights: 37 and 36,5cm - both have a small chip, price: € 290,-

sold: 38cm, 24.5cm, base light

Stef Uiterwaal



Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

art deco, faceted cut crystal glass, designed in 1924 by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

executed at glass factory Val Saint-Lambert, Belgium for Kristal Muller and Glashuis Muller, Rokin, Amsterdam

available are f.e.:

a large hors d'oeuvre set, 12 knife rests in their original Kristal Muller box, 2 candlesticks, a ginger jar, a large footed center bowl, 3 smaller footed bowls, 2 tumblers, 2 salt cellars, a sweet meat bowl, 2 jugs and a small bowl with rests on the rim, 6 finger bowls, 2 small footed bowls, 1 small dish

provenance: Jos / Josephine Marie Francisca van Linden (1924 Amsterdam-2014 Oegstgeest), she inherited all her Gerard Muller glass from her uncle, later stepfather

prices on request

Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam


Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam



Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam


Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam


Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam


Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam


Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam


Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam




Kristal Muller - art deco crystal glass

Glashuis Gerard Muller Amsterdam

Gerard Muller


8 art deco, crystal port glasses

designed circa 1925 by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau

for Glashuis Muller, Rokin, Amsterdam

height: 12,3 cm., price: € 440,-

see more below this page for other Muller glasses and decanters




A.D. Copier



an art deco crystal glass bowl, a so called Leerdam Serica, the

Serica 72, 1949, emerald green glass with crackle

designed by: A.D.Copier (1901-1991)

executed by the Leerdam Factory / Glasfabriek Leerdam

diameter: 26 cm, height: 9,5 cm., price: € 390,-

documented in: Monografieen van Nederlandse kunstenaars, Copier, glasontwerper, glaskunstenaar / glass designer, glass artist, written by: Reino Liefkes, published in 1989, by SDU Uitgeverij / Openbaar Kunstbezit, page 100


A.D. Copier



a small free blown glass vase, so called Leerdam Unica, made and signed by:

A.D.Copier (1901-1991),

at the Leerdam Factory / Glasfabriek Leerdam in 1925,

marked: Leerdam Unica A.D.C 1925 and 588,

height: 11,5 cm., price: € 890,-




a set of authentic art deco bookends

made of wood and bronze, depicting a jumping deer in foliage

height and width: 17,5 cm., price: € 150 ,-



a Dutch art deco, Amsterdamse School, brooch, by:

G. Pannebakker, made circa 1930

with silvermaster makersmark GP3

width: 10 cm., ca. 12gr., price: on request



Fons Reggers

a rare Dutch art deco, Nieuwe Zakelijkheid, brooch, by:

Gebroeders Reggers

circa 1920, with silvermaster makersmark: RR4

width: 6,5 cm., circa 13gr., price on request



a Dutch art deco, Amsterdamse School, brooch, by:

J.C. Jonker, Schoten

circa 1920, with silvermaster makersmark: J*J

width: 5,4 cm., price: € 240,-



a Dutch art deco, Amsterdamse School, brooch, by:

J.C. Jonker, Schoten

circa 1920, with silvermaster makersmark: J*J

width: 7 cm., price: € 190,-



a Dutch art deco silver pendant,

circa 1920, with silvermaster makersmark - *Lv...?

height: 4,5 cm., price: € 90,-



an art deco crystal bowl, made of coloured art glass, known as:


by: WMF - Württembergischen Metallwarenfabrik in Geislingen, Germany designed in the 1920's, produced 1920-1930's and 1950's

main colour red glass, with trails and dust of white opaque

diameter: 39 cm - height: 8 cm - weight: > 2 kg

condition: very good, no chips, no cracks, no restarations, slight deposite/scale to the deeper part

now on - shop: delta 98 den haag

Willem Valk



an intriguing terracotta sculpture

unsigned, but attributed to:

Willem Valk, dutch sculptor 1898-1977

probably depicting the sculptor's wife: Ella Valk - Goodijk

height of the bust: 39 cm

on an ebonised oak stand, height: 15,5cm

price: € 2800,-



Willem van Konijnenburg

a dutch, art deco, sandstone relief

circa 1925, attributed to:

Willem van Konijnenburg (1868-1943)

height: 32 cm, width: 30 cm, dept: 8 cm, very heavy in weight

price: € 1900,-



B. Douglas

a framed design for an

Ex Libris for A. Kaufmann

depicting a strong man at the helm of a boat in heavy weather

by: B. Douglas, 1918, UK

mahogony frame: 26 x 22,5 cm, see enlargement

price: € 90,-



an authentic, art deco glass vase, made by:

Loetz / Lötz Wwe, Klostermühle, Bohemia

the form designed circa 1920, dekor circa 1935-1939, blown in a form, blown out again, with transparant Überfang, a polished-out pontil, this technique has been introduced in Bohemia by de dutch designer Chris Lebeau

for a comparable object and explanation see: Das Böhmische Glas 1700-1950, Band VI Art Deco - Moderne, Passauer Glasmuseum, page 23, object VI.15

condition: excellent, no chips, no restorations, clear

height: 15,3 cm., price: € 240,-


Piet Zwart



a box, made of pressed wood, known as Lignostone,

designed circa 1922, by:

Piet Zwart (1885 - 1977)

for: AGO NV Ter Apel,The Netherlands

height: 4,4 cm., diameter: 7,2 cm

price: € 240,-



Chris Lanooy


a ceramic vase, with beautifull glaze, made by:

Chris Lanooy (1881 - 1948) in Epe, The Netherlands

signed with his signature of 1920-1948

height: 19 cm., price: € 940,-


Chris Lanooy


an earthenware vase, circa 1915, made by:

Chris Lanooy (1881-1948),

height: 12,5 cm., price: € 240,-


Chris Lanooy

a beautifull colored ceramic bowl, made by:

Chris Lanooy (Christiaan Johannes, 1881-1944)

an example of his early, private experiments with glazing; made between 1917 and 1920 in Gouda

diameter: 32cm., height: 10 cm., price: € xxx - sold


Harm H. Kamerlingh Onnes


a ceramic vase, made by:

Harm H. Kamerlingh Onnes (1893-1985),

height: 10 cm., with monogram HH

(see our MODERN - page for an other vase)




Theodor Fahrner


an art deco silver pendant

by: Theodor Fahrner, Pforzheim, Germany

made circa 1926

with Rock Crystals, Marcasites, and Amethyst

the pendant messures: 6x3 cm / 2.2x1.2 inch

price: € 1400,-


Theodor Fahrner



a silver art deco necklace,

made circa 1926

by: Theodor Fahrner, Pforzheim, Germany

length: 37 cm., price: € 2400,-


Gerard Muller


a set of 6 large crystal, art deco, wine glasses of the service

Regina, designed in 1923, by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau

for Glashuis Muller, Rokin, Amsterdam

height: 13,5 cm., price: € xxx - sold




Gerard Muller


a very rare, art deco crystal glass decanter with green stopper

neck and stopper faceted cut

designed circa 1925, by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

heigth: 18 cm., price: € 290,-


Gerard Muller



a very rare pair of faceted cut, crystal glass jugs

designed in 1924 and onwards by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

executed at glassfactory Val Saint-Lambert, Belgium, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 14,4 cm., condition: excellent, no restorations


Gerard Muller



crystal glass decanters, designed circa 1925, by:

Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

probably produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

the left decanter is of the service Regina - design 1923 - sold

heights: 26,5 - 23,5 - 20 cm, condition: very good, no chips, no restorations


Gerard Muller decanter, 1925

crystal glass decanter, designed circa 1925, by:

Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

probably produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 25,7 cm - condition: very nice, no chips, no restorations, slight signs of use




Gerard Muller


a set of crystal art deco glasses and matching decanter

designed, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

probably produced at Val Saint-Lambert, Belgium, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

decanter height: 21cm.,

glasses: 10,7(2x) - 9(1x) - 8,4(5x) - 6,5(2x) cm

condition: very good and clear, only a small chip to the stopper - on the lower side of the square

price for decanter with 10 glasses: € 395,-


Gerard Muller



a set of 6 crystal art deco, high and elegant, wine glasses

of the service Cyrano

designed circa 1917, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 15,2 cm.

dutch: servies Cyrano / code: BK

Gerard Muller


a set of 2 crystal art deco glasses of the service Cordeal

designed circa 1920, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 10,5 cm.


Gerard Muller


a set of 9 large crystal art deco glasses of the service Cordeal

designed circa 1920, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 12 cm.



Gerard Muller


a set of 6 crystal art deco glasses of the service Cordeal

designed circa 1924, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 7,8cm., price of the set: € 420,-


Gerard Muller



a set of 6 crystal, art deco glasses of the service Cyrano

designed circa 1917, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 9,6 cm., price of the set: € 420,-



Gerard Muller



a set of 6 crystal, art deco champagne glasses / flutes of the service Funel

designed circa 1925, by: Gerard Muller (1877 - 1943)

produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

height: 17,2 cm., 1 with minor imperfection

see more below this page for other sold models of Muller glasses and decanters


Jan Eisenloeffel, Kristalunie Maastricht


crystal beer glass

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie, Crystal Maastricht, Holland

height: 11,5 cm. - 34 available

code AF / bierbeker


Jan Eisenloeffel, Kristalunie Maastricht


crystal wine glass

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie, Crystal Maastricht, Holland

height: 14,2 cm - "normaal wijnglas" - 6 available

height: 15 cm - "groot wijnglas" - 6 available

normaal wijnglas - code AB / groot wijnglas - code AN


Jan Eisenloeffel, Crystal Maastricht Holland


crystal geneva, Dutch gin & bitters glass

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie, Crystal Maastricht, Holland

height: 10,5 cm. - 13 available

bitterglas / jeneverglas - code Ai


Jan Eisenloeffel, Crystal Maastricht Holland


crystal likor glass

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie Maastricht, Holland

height: 10,7 cm. - 20availbale

likeurglas / likeurschaal - code AL

Jan Eisenloeffel, Crystal Maastricht Holland


crystal port glass

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie Maastricht, Holland

height: 13,1 cm. - 9 available

portglas - code AO


Jan Eisenloeffel, Crystal Maastricht Holland


crystal stemmed water glass

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie Maastricht, Holland

height: 16,5 cm. - 5 available - all sold

waterglas op steel - code AP1

Romanda by A.D. Copier


waterglasses, designed in 1924,

by A.D. Copier,

for the glass service Romanda,

in the extremely rare azure blue color, made at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

height: 11,5 cm., 2 available, price: € 140,- each



Romanda by A.D. Copier


a set of 6 extremely elegant, champagne glasses,

one of the most beautifull designs of Dutch modern glass, and a delight to hold in your hand,

as a part of the service Romanda, designed in 1923-1924 by:

A.D. Copier (1901-1991)

for Glasfabriek Leerdam, Holland

height: 14 cm. - sold -


A.D. Copier



Dutch art deco, very thin, crystal, sherry or port glasses, designed in 1923 - 1924,

by A.D. Copier,

for the glass service Romanda, made at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

height: 17cm, 20 available



A.D. Copier


Dutch art deco, wine glasses, designed in 1923 - 1924,

by A.D. Copier

for the glass service Romanda, made at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

height: 18,5 cm

23 available

A.D. Copier

art deco, crystal water glasses and juice glases, designed in 1923 - 1924,

by A.D. Copier,

for the glass service Romanda, made at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

height water glasses: 12 cm., 13 available

height juice glasses: 11 cm., 9 available


A.D. Copier



a set of 2 ice or desert glasses

designed by: Andries Copier

marked CL, height: 5,5 cm., diameter 10,5 cm.,

price for the set of 2: € 80,-




A.D. Copier


2 crystal decanters, designed by Andries Copier,

for the service Candor

made at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

height: 28,5 cm., price for the 2 together: € 240,-,-



some sold items:

statue by

Olcsai Kiss Zoltán / Zoltan Kiss



an art deco stoneware statue depicting a gulyas

an Hungarian herdsman - with a donkey, smoking a pipe, the hat and cape are typical for north-east Hungarian shepherds and peasants

designed by: Olcsai Kiss Zoltán, also known as Zoltan Kiss 1895-1981

- born in Hungary, worked in France, returned to Hungary -

designed circa 1930-1932

executed by: Manufacture Nationale de Sevres,

porcelain factory in Sevres, Seine et Oise, France

price: € xxxx - sold



Sevres Franse stoneware, designed by

Olcsai Kiss Zoltán / Zoltan Kiss


a charming bronze statue, with beautifull patine, depicting a young boy:

Peter Rosenheim, the son of Edith and Ludolf Rosenheim

2x stamped on the plinth of the bronze: H. Noack, Friedenau, Berlin - a foundry in Berlin, Germany

no further signature or monogram found, but it is authorized as an authentic piece by:

Renée Sintenis (1888-1965 Germany)

and can be dated as 1923

height: 27 cm, price: € xxxx - sold





a carved, mahogany wooden statue, authentic art deco style and period,

made circa 1930-1940, on Bali, Indonesia

depicting a sitting lady

height: 30cm, price: € xxx - sold -





Hildo Krop keramiek



a large ceramic pot, with a baboon at the top of the lid

designed by: Hildo Krop (1884-1970)

circa 1920, signature/mark unreadable, executed by ESKAF

restoration at the attachement with the baboon

price: € XXX - sold


Hildo Krop, houten beeld


a rare, early, carved oak wooden sculpture by:

Hildo Krop (1884-1970)

circa 1912-1916, signed with monogram HLK

height: 16 cm, width: 11 cm., price: € XXXX - sold - now in a private Dutch collection


Hildo Krop keramiek


a ceramic pot, designed by: Hildo Krop (1884-1970)

circa 1920, executed by ESKAF

price: € XXX - sold



a carved wooden sculpture of a jaunty foal, made in 1933 by: Dirk Bus (1907-1978)

height: 26,5 cm / circa 10.4 inch, price: € xxx - sold

Dirk Bus was a Dutch sculptor, he was educated in sculpture at the Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague and State Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam. He was a student of Bon Ingen-Housz and Jan Bronner. He then taught sculpture at the Art Academy and the Hague Academy. One of his most famous pupils was the sculptor Kees Verkade. Bus was chairman of the Pulchri Studio for years and member of the Dutch Society of Sculptors in Amsterdam. He co-founded the artistic group Hague Verve with Theo Bitter. Many of his public works are found in The Hague



an authentic and complete art deco lamp, made of coloured art glass, known as pate-de-verre, and wrought iron

this type of lamps are known as: Veilleusse or Brule Parfum other used titles are: perfume lamp, nightlamp, night light

the stand is formed with three flying fishes as feet, and on top of the shade, in it's opening, a fourth, smaller fish is fitted

made in the 1920's in France, apparently not signed, but obviously the glass can be attributed to:

Charles Schneider

the height and width: circa 15 cm / ca. 5.9 inch, price: € XXXX - sold


K.P.C. de Bazel



a set of 6 crystal art deco, large white wine glasses

of the service H - Hygra, in the beautifull color Annagroen

designed 1918, by: K.P.C. de Bazel (1869 - 1923)

produced at Glasfabriek Leerdam, The Netherlands

height: 15,1 cm., price of the set: € XXX - sold


H. Stroeve



an art deco hammered copper teacaddy, with a semi precious stone on the top

by: H. Stroeve, circa 1925

height: 14cm., price: € XXX - sold




Willem Coenraad Brouwer



an extremely large, ceramic vase, made circa 1925 by:

Willem Coenraad Brouwer (1877-1933, Leiderdorp)

signed and marked, modelnumber 525

height: 43 cm., price: € xxx - sold


Frank de Miranda




an art deco plaster buste on a oak wood stand, by

Frank de Miranda (1913-1986)

pupil of: Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita (1868-1944)

depicting Dr. Jan Arend Vor der Hake (1880-1951), principal / rector Baarns Lyceum

this plaster model was presented by the artist for approval to the commissioners and was later casted in bronze that was presented to Vor der Hake

the provenence of this plaster piece is the private collection of Prof. Dr. M.J. Langeveld (1905-1989), in that time teacher at the Baarns Lyceum and the initiator of the assignement to Jessurun de Mesquita, who refered him to his pupli

incised monogram and date: 1941, height of the buste: 31 cm., a restoration to an eyebrow

price: € xxxx - sold - now in a private Dutch collection

Willem Cordel



a framed, eternit tile, with an art deco decor, by:

Willem Cordel (1884-1967)

partner in design with Chris Lebeau

size: 16,3 x 18 cm., price: xxx - sold

thanking Mr. E. Löffler of the RKD The Hague, for the exact dates


Gerard Muller glas


a very rare set of 4 crystal glass decanters

designed circa 1925, by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

heigth: 23 cm., price for the 4 together: € xxxx - sold

Gerard Muller glas


a very rare pair of faceted cut, crystal glass decanters

designed before 1917, by: Gerard Muller (1877-1943)

possibly produced at Josefinenhütte Schreiberhau, for Glashuis Muller, Amsterdam

heigth: 30 cm., price for the pair: € xxx - sold


Servies J geslepen, by K.P.C. De Bazel


3 likeur glazen / liqueur glasses, designed in 1917-1918,

by K.P.C. De Bazel - a Dutch architect and designer, 1869-1923

part of the service Servies J geslepen

made at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland, 2 are marked

height: 12,3 cm., sold



Whisky karaf met Wijnrank glas

ontwerp: A.D. Copier, uitvoering: Leerdam


an art deco decanter with 4 glasses

the decanter is known as Whisky Karaf and was designed in 1927

the glasses were designed a year later to match the decanter and called Wijnrank

Wijnrank glasses of this form are extremely rare

the color is called Meerblauw

the design was by A.D. Copier and executed at Leerdam Glasfabriek Holland

price: € XXXX - sold


Frans Slot


a large ceramic vase, by:

Frans Slot

- Johannes Franciscus Slot - 1909-1974 - Epe

height: 26,5 cm,

excellent condition price: € xxx - sold



Hollend paardje door Albert Termote

bronze statue depicting a running young Flanders horse

Flanders horse in Dutch: Zeeuws paard / Belgisch / Vlaams trekpaard

titled: Hollend paardje / Running Foal

1929, by: A. Termote

Albert Polydor Termote (Netherlands, 1887-1978)

messures: 17 x 14,5 cm, with clear monogram in the bronze: AT,

price: € xxxx - sold

provenance: a private collectie in The Hague, past on to a friend (known to us)

documentation: no.16 in the exhibition cataloque Albert Termote. Overzichtstentoonstelling ter gelegendheid van zijn vijfenzeventigste verjaardag, onder auspiciën van de Jacob Maris Stichting - Haags Gemeentemuseum 1962 - 1963, there stated to be on loan from a private collection in The Hague.



bronze foal by Albert Termote


Albert Termote



a bronze statue depicting a tired horse

titled: Oud mijnpaardje / Old mine horse

1926, by: A. Termote,

Albert Polydor Termote (Netherlands, 1887-1978)

messures: 20 x 15 cm, price: € XXXX - sold

sculptured in 1929, in wood, for the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - this bronze casting was still in Termote's studio in 1962, it can be seen on a picture on page 6, in the catalogue: Termote - Albert Termote. Overzichtstentoonstelling ter gelegendheid van zijn vijfenzeventigste verjaardag, onder auspiciën van de Jacob Maris Stichting - Haags Gemeentemuseum 1962 - 1963

Albert Termote (1887, Lichtervelde, Belgium - 1978, Voorburg, Netherlands) was a Belgian / Dutch sculptor. He studied in England before 1914. At the beginning of World War I, Termote fled to England. In 1915 he moved to the Netherlands and studied at the Rijksacedemie Amsterdam. In 1922 he moved to Voorburg, where he spent the rest of his life. He joined the Pulchri Studio in The Hague. Because of his many exhibitions in the Studio Pulchri he gained national fame. He received many commissions including the radio building in Eindhoven. In 1972 he was forced by circumstances to work less active, but he remained making smaller work. He is best known for his four life-size bronze equestrian statues. He also made medals, commemorative monuments and portrait busts. Termotes works are mostly found in public places and in numerous churches. The Rijksmuseum and the sculpture park of the Kröller-Müller Museum own works, but most are on display at the Museum Voorburg Swaen Steyn.


catalogue: Termote - Albert Termote. Overzichtstentoonstelling ter gelegendheid van zijn vijfenzeventigste verjaardag, onder auspiciën van de Jacob Maris Stichting - Haags Gemeentemuseum 1962 - 1963

Don Quixote and Rocinante

by Albert Termote

a bronze statue depicting

Don Quixote and Rocinante

sculptured in 1932, by: A. Termote

Albert Polydor Termote (Netherlands, 1887-1978)

signed and dated in the bronze with: Termote 1932,

height: 38,5cm., price: € XXXX - sold

Don Quixote, Don Quijote, Don Quichot - The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It follows the adventures of Alonso Quixano, an hidalgo who reads so many chivalric novels that he decides to set out to revive chivalry, under the name Don Quixote. He names his horse Rocinante. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who rides on a donkey with no name.

Albert Termote (1887, Lichtervelde, Belgium - 1978, Voorburg, Netherlands) was a Belgian / Dutch sculptor. He studied in England before 1914. At the beginning of World War I, Termote fled to England. In 1915 he moved to the Netherlands and studied at the Rijksacedemie Amsterdam. In 1922 he moved to Voorburg, where he spent the rest of his life . He joined the Pulchri Studio in The Hague. Because of his many exhibitions in the Studio Pulchri he gained national fame. He received many commissions including the radio building in Eindhoven. In 1972 he was forced by circumstances to work less active, but he remained until his death continue making smaller work. He is best known for his four life-size bronze equestrian statues. He also made medals, commemorative monuments and portrait busts. Termotes works are mostly found in public places and in numerous churches. The Rijksmuseum and the sculpture park of the Kröller-Müller Museum own works, but most are on display at the Museum Voorburg Swaen Steyn.

This statue, on a larger scale, is in the collection of the Gemeente Museum Den Haag, the municipal museum of The Hague.

Don Quichot en Rocinante

door Albert Termote

Jan Eisenloeffel


an art deco copper plaque with polychrome enamelled decoration

designed circa 1927, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the dutch union of furniture makers, paperhangers, woodworkers, etc. the:

Algemeene Nederlandsche Bond van Meubelmakers, Behangers, Houtbewerkers en Aanverwante Vakgenoten

presented to the members of the Union at a 25 year membership anniversary

20,5 x 16,5 cm., little damage to the enamel of the belt, price: € XX - sold


A.D. Copier


an art deco crystal glass vase, so called

Leerdam Seriegoed

blue glass, form blown with horizontal crackle

designed by: A.D.Copier (1901-1991)

executed by the Leerdam Factory / Glasfabriek Leerdam

between 1931-1935

diameter top: 20,2 cm, height: 18,7 cm.

condition: very good, no chips, no residue, no restoration

price: € XXX - sold



A.D. Copier



rare Dutch art deco vase of iridescent, purple glass with fine craquele technique,

optical ribs and polished out pontil, designed between 1925-1928 by

Chris Lebeau or Andries Copier,

excecuted at the Leerdam glassfactory, The Netherlands,

height: 46 cm, price: € XXX - sold





4 art deco, iridescent crystal glasses,

designed in 1917 by Cornelis de Lorm (Dutch, 1875-1942) for Glasfabriek Leerdam,

part of Waterstel service - tonbeker met goudluster

price 4 together: € xx - sold







Dutch art deco, crystal glass decanter,

Service Romanda, height: 22,5 cm

designed in 1923 by A.D. Copier, Leerdam

price: € xx - sold


Dutch art deco blue craquele vase, designed in 1930 by

A.D. Copier, executed at Glasfabriek Leerdam,

known as Serica nr. 28

price: € xxx - sold



art deco half satinated crystal vase,

designed in 1930,

by A.D. Copier for Glasfabriek Leerdam

price: € xxx - sold -



art deco crystal bowl, Bolvaas, designed in 1928

by A.D. Copier for Glasfriek Leerdam

uranium glass / Annagroen glas, height: 13,7cm

price: € xx - sold -




10 elegant crystal bowls - vingerkommen

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie, Crystal Maastricht, Holland

price: € xxx - sold -




very large and elegant crystal decanter

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie, Crystal Maastricht, Holland

height: 41,5cm - weight: 2400gr

price: € xxx - sold -





a pair of Dutch art deco sculptures as bookends depicting a sturdy rooster, designed by:

W.C. Brouwer - Willem Coenraad Brouwer - Dutch, 1877-1933

marked with Brouwers Aardewerk Holland & BxB Leiderdorp

23,5 x 14 x 11 cm / 9.2 x 5.5 x4.3 inch

price: € xxxx - sold

dating the stamped marks would lead to circa 1920, but Brouwer used this design earlier for ornaments on Het Vredespaleis Den Haag / Peace Palace The Hague, circa 1910

- see: W.C. Brouwer (1877-1933) aarden vaatwerk tuinaardewerk bouwaardewerk, published by Museum Princessehof Leeuwarden in 1980, page 65, the upper right picture nr.124, with left a rooster / haan and right a turkey / kalkoen, so called contrefortbekroning



a elongated, hand hammered copper

Mask / Face

dating from the art deco period

with the monogram of the maker: MF or FM

- perhaps: FM for Frans Masereel (1889-1972) -

height: 55 cm / circa 21.6 inch

price : € xxx - sold

Het Denken by W.C. Brouwer


an art deco sculpture

in the Dutch art deco style, known as the Amsterdam School,

designed circa 1925, titled:

Het Denken / The Thought


W.C. Brouwer

Willem Coenraad Brouwer - Dutch, 1877-1933

unmarked, but authorized and documented, see collection of Museum Kroller Muller

30,5 x 23 x 13 cm / 12 x 9 x 5.1 inch - weight: 7,7 kg

price : € xxxx - sold -

on both sides the text: Het Denken, translated as: the thinking - meant as an architectural building ornament, but this piece can be placed as a sculpture or used as bookend, the material is suitable to be placed outdoors - condition: looks very good, a baking imperfection caused a blue-ish spot on one side and a down side corner seems restored, maybe further along the bottom edge also, this is very well done and hardly visible

The Thought by W.C. Brouwer


Jan Eisenloeffel, Kristalunie Maastricht


elegant crystal glasses, the so called Rijnwijn glas, a glass for white or Rhine wine

designed in 1928, by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie, Crystal Maastricht, Holland

height: 14,2 cm - all sold

code: AE / Rijnwijn glas, groen glas


Jan Eisenloeffel



huge crystal glasses, the so called American Goblet

designed by: Jan Eisenloeffel (1876-1957)

for the glassfactory Kristalunie Maastricht, Holland

height: 20 cm, sold


DJN 2001